Trademark Office Action Response

Get your trademark application back on track

Over 60% of trademark applications receive Office Actions from the USPTO. Although it may seem distressing, it doesn’t have to be. Many Office Actions can be cleared up with some clerical fixes. You shouldn't give up your application because of this hurdle.

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Service fee starts at $149 ONLY!

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How it works

Step 1
Complete our simple, easy to use questionnaire
Step 2
Your office action will be reviewed
Step 3
An experienced trademark consultant will get your response well prepared and replied

Start your Trademark Office Action Response

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Trademark Office Action Response - Get Help to Resolve Issues with Your Trademark Application

If you have received a notice of Office action from the USPTO, you are being notified that there are problems with your trademark application. If you failed to reply within 6 months or your response does not meet the requirements, you may forever lose your right to use that trademark. File your response with our attorneys to get your trademark back on track at a flat fee now.


Office Action Response


Respond to all kinds of informality issues, such as:

  • Agreement to a disclaimer request
  • Improper Specimens
  • Amendment of identification of goods/services
  • Change/addition of an international class (+government fee for any additional classes)
  • Improper Entity Type
  • Translation of foreign words
  • Amendment of filing basis
  • Claims of ownership of other applications


Office Action Response

  • Merely Descriptive Refusal, Primarily Geographically Descriptive Refusal, Refusal Because That The Mark is Merely a Surname
  • Assertion of acquired distinctiveness with arguments/evidence
  • Argument against a disclaimer request
  • Refusal on basis of ornamentation
  • Deadline missed but no later than 2 months after notice of abandonment issued
  • Additional information about specimens

Likelihood of Confusion

Office Action Response

  • Argument against the refusal based on Section 2(d) or likelihood of confusion with cited similar trademarks

Even if two trademarks are confusingly similar, determining whether there is a likelihood also depends on whether the goods or services associated with each trademark are related. We will normally draft 7 to 13 pages of argumentation to convince the USPTO to approve your application.

Verified Reviews on the Internet

Professional Advice and Quick Response
Very pleased with the advice given and the professional way Boris Davis of LegalHoop dealt with our trademark application. Responses were quick and the whole process was very straight forward. Add to that LegalHoop's charges for their work are very good. We would have no hesitation in recommending their services. Thank you Boris!
Sylvana Brennan
Patient Help
While dealing with my busy work schedule and the need to work at odd hours, with an approaching USPTO deadline due to my procrastination, and with the fact that I have little familiarity with the patent and trademark world, Boris was spectacularly patient, responsive, and clear. Thank you.
Epistemic Crossroads
Excellent Assistance
Boris Davis was very helpful in my process of trademarking. 10/10 I would recommend. I have more work coming for Boris. The best in the business.
Ondrea Glover
Amazing Company
This trademark company is amazing. They were able to do two trademarks for me professionally and quickly. I highly recommend them.
Joe Garofalo
Satisfactory Process
I needed to file a Trademark Statement of Use. I used LegalHoop and process was quick affordable and professional. I highly recommend using LegalHoop for all Trademark Services.
Shawn Laidlaw
Efficient Service
Boris Davis of LegalHoop provides efficient service as always. Quick response in the process. Highly recommended.
Bernice Nuan
Clear Explanation
Boris was my go-to guy, and he was extremely helpful along the entire step and explained things I did not understand.
Aj Joseph
Good Communication
Excellent, accurate legal assistance, good communication also. Would definitely recommend!
Anon Ymous
Outstanding Service
Outstanding service and extremely knowledgeable! Highly Recommend!
Rodney Morales
Effective Problem-solving and Reasonable Fee
very clearly explained all the issues in the office action and finally solved all of them with a flat fee.
Carl Bastien