BABY JAWS trademark

BABY JAWS - Trademark Information

Trademark by Breathe Function Thrive

The BABY JAWS trademark was assigned a Serial Number #98496601 – by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Trademark Serial Number is a unique ID to identify the BABY JAWS mark in USPTO. The BABY JAWS mark is filed in the category of Medical Apparatus. The legal correspondent for BABY JAWS trademark is Breathe Function Thrive, 1080 Eaglewood Loop, North Salt Lake, UTAH United States 84054. The current status of the BABY JAWS filing is New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney.

Based on Breathe Function Thrive, the BABY JAWS trademark is used in the following business: Medical apparatus and instruments for monitoring vital signs, blood properties and respiratory events; Medical apparatus for diagnosing or treating respiratory conditions, namely, breathing pattern disorders, etc.; Medical apparatus for the treatment of respiratory conditions; Medical apparatus for use in treating TMJ, TMD, jaw and pallet growth, and breathing function; Apparatus for vibrational therapy, namely, tuning forks; Body rehabilitation apparatus for medical purposes; Breathing apparatus for medical purposes; Buccal tubes; Dental device that expands the mouth to improve the field of view inside the mouth, and extracts saliva from the work area inside the mouth; Electrical stimulation apparatus for body, nerves, skin, etc. for physical therapy purposes purposes; Electronic stimulation apparatus for body, nerves, skin, etc. for physical therapy purposes; Goniometers for orthopaedic use; Manually-operated exercise equipment for physical therapy purposes; Manually-operated resistance bands for physical therapy purposes; Manually-operated resistance tubing for physical therapy purposes; Medical devices for treating sleep disorders; Medical devices for use in treating TMJ, TMD, jaw and pallet growth, and breathing function; Medical devices, namely, drinking cups for use by patients with swallowing disorders; Medical devices, namely, pulse oximeters; Medical instruments for use in treating TMJ, TMD, jaw and pallet growth, and breathing function; Mouth exerciser for use in exercising and strengthening mouth and facial muscles for medical and beauty benefits; Mouth guards for medical purposes; Pacifiers for babies; Patient medical monitors for monitoring breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure, lung function, etc.; Phototherapeutic apparatus for medical purposes; Physical exercise apparatus for medical purposes; Physical exercise apparatus, for medical purposes; Physical therapy equipment in the nature of flexible tubing and other configurations for use in theraputic activities; Portable medical devices used for breathing exercises, namely, portable devices used for endogenous breathing exercises and for respiratory muscle training; Posture correction device, namely, an adjustable harness to correct one's posture for medical purposes; Spirometer mouth pieces and tubing; Teeth protectors for dental purposes; Traction apparatus for medical use; Vibrating apparatus used to stimulate muscles and increase strength and physical performance for health and medical purposes.

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Set up your brands for success! The United States is the most difficult country in the world to register a trademark. The trademark process in the United States takes approximately one year and is fraught with pitfalls. Approximately 60% of all applications receive a refusal. Many of these refusals can be overcome by strategic work of an experienced IP consultant, but DIY-applications generally are NOT successful.

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$199 + Govt Fee* (1 class)


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* The Trademark government fee will be charged when we submit your mark(s) to the Government Trademark Office, which is usually in the next few business days.

New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney.
Friday, April 12, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024

October 12, 2024
Trademarks are territorial. US trademark registration will not protect your trademark in a foreign country. If you have plan to protect your trademark internationally, see more options below :
1080 Eaglewood Loop, North Salt Lake, UTAH, UNITED STATES, 84054
1080 Eaglewood Loop, North Salt Lake, UTAH United States 84054
Trademark Classification Information
Class 010 - Medical Apparatus

First Use Anywhere:
First Use in Commerce:
Trademark Goods and Services Description
Class 010 - Medical apparatus and instruments for monitoring vital signs, blood properties and respiratory events; Medical apparatus for diagnosing or treating respiratory conditions, namely, breathing pattern disorders, etc.; Medical apparatus for the treatment of respiratory conditions; Medical apparatus for use in treating TMJ, TMD, jaw and pallet growth, and breathing function; Apparatus for vibrational therapy, namely, tuning forks; Body rehabilitation apparatus for medical purposes; Breathing apparatus for medical purposes; Buccal tubes; Dental device that expands the mouth to improve the field of view inside the mouth, and extracts saliva from the work area inside the mouth; Electrical stimulation apparatus for body, nerves, skin, etc. for physical therapy purposes purposes; Electronic stimulation apparatus for body, nerves, skin, etc. for physical therapy purposes; Goniometers for orthopaedic use; Manually-operated exercise equipment for physical therapy purposes; Manually-operated resistance bands for physical therapy purposes; Manually-operated resistance tubing for physical therapy purposes; Medical devices for treating sleep disorders; Medical devices for use in treating TMJ, TMD, jaw and pallet growth, and breathing function; Medical devices, namely, drinking cups for use by patients with swallowing disorders; Medical devices, namely, pulse oximeters; Medical instruments for use in treating TMJ, TMD, jaw and pallet growth, and breathing function; Mouth exerciser for use in exercising and strengthening mouth and facial muscles for medical and beauty benefits; Mouth guards for medical purposes; Pacifiers for babies; Patient medical monitors for monitoring breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure, lung function, etc.; Phototherapeutic apparatus for medical purposes; Physical exercise apparatus for medical purposes; Physical exercise apparatus, for medical purposes; Physical therapy equipment in the nature of flexible tubing and other configurations for use in theraputic activities; Portable medical devices used for breathing exercises, namely, portable devices used for endogenous breathing exercises and for respiratory muscle training; Posture correction device, namely, an adjustable harness to correct one's posture for medical purposes; Spirometer mouth pieces and tubing; Teeth protectors for dental purposes; Traction apparatus for medical use; Vibrating apparatus used to stimulate muscles and increase strength and physical performance for health and medical purposes

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Current Status:

New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney.
